Open post

Paella perfection!

Lovely evening at the club when Ashley cooked paella for us all! Over thirty members, family and friends waited with bated breath while issues with the gas for Ashley’s paella burner were resolved! Well worth the wait as the paella was delicious! Many thanks Ashley for all your hard work! Dessert went down well too – naranjas a la canela with some homemade ice-cream – thanks to Jane, Linda & Gill. Thanks also to Angela & Karen for keeping the drinks flowing from the bar and to those who helped clear up.

Open post

Lovely sunny week for the 74th Penzance Open Tournament!

Success on the Penzance Open Tournament finals day for club member Sue Sergeant with partner Julie Chappell from St Agnes in the Ladies 55+ Doubles event. Well done Sue! And a lovely surprise for Hazel when tournament organiser Dave Forrest presented her with the Stephen Dennis trophy which is awarded each year to the tournament competitor who best demonstrates the true spirit of sportsmanship. A very well deserved award indeed after many years of competing in the Penzance Open! And well done to Steve refereeing the Penzance Open for the 28th time, as always making a tough job look so easy!

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