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The Charity Canasta morning and lunch at the club was a great success! Very well done to Heather for organising the event which raised a massive £515 for The Brain Tumour Charity thanks to everyone’s generosity. Heather wants to thank all those who came along to support the event, with special thanks to Jane, Jac, Sheila & Linda for helping to organise both the play and the fabulous food. Also thanks to Celia, Cathy, Angela, Sarah Colman & Chris for the delicious cakes, to Gill, Jac & Deb for the patés and to Chris for her sterling work in the kitchen all morning with added help from Richard. Raffle prizes were also donated by many, whilst others helped quietly on the day sorting through the cards, selling raffle tickets & folding them, clearing up at the end, etc. All in all, a fantastic team effort! A final mention and thank you to Jane, who spent time teaching quite a number of the attendees to play canasta over the past few weeks!