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Winter Handicapped Tournaments Finals Day

Winter Handicapped Tournaments Finals Day

All the finals were close fought matches, particularly the Ladies and Mens Doubles, which each went to the wire with a deciding game at 5-5 in the third set.  Great handicapping as usual by tournament organiser, Steve! Chrissie and Karen were victorious in the Ladies...
More LED floodlights at WLTC!

More LED floodlights at WLTC!

Our next project – new LED floodlights on courts 4, 5 and 6 – gets a mention in the Echo.  After damage occurred recently to the existing lights between courts 4 and 5, those lights have been removed so courts 4 and 5 are safe to play on though with...
Christmas celebrations!

Christmas celebrations!

December’s social events were very well attended.  The Tuesday social tennis evening and chilli supper saw all the floodlit courts in action and nothing left in the big pots of chilli by the end of supper! The weather was so mild that eating outside was even...