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2021 summer junior tournaments round-up

2021 summer junior tournaments round-up

Culmination to the summer tournament schedule for our younger members was the Essex Closed Championships held at Thorpe Bay LTC. Anthony Weingarten won the Mens Singles title, and then teamed up with fellow club member, Adam Groves, to win the Mens Doubles event as...
Pasty and Polgoon Night proves popular!

Pasty and Polgoon Night proves popular!

An excellent return to social events tonight with a Penzance Pasty and Polgoon night proving very popular. Over sixty people were at the club to enjoy delicious pasties supplied by Lavenders in Penzance washed down by Polgoon cider! Thanks to the ladies who helped...
WLTC Summer Open Tournament 2021

WLTC Summer Open Tournament 2021

Great end to the Westcliff Lawn Summer Open Tournament with club member Stefan Protic winning the Mens Open Singles title, winning a close fought final in the third set championship tiebreak. And earlier in the week, Freddy and George Ward contested the 18&U Boys...
Penzance Open 2021

Penzance Open 2021

Another enjoyable trip to Cornwall for a number of club members to play in this year’s Penzance Open. Success for Dan & Mike in the Mens Handicap Doubles final and also for Marg & Sarah in the Ladies 55 & Over Doubles. Dan with partner Mats Colling...
Open for business again!

Open for business again!

Great to see the club open for play once again.  Glorious weather for the first three days and the club was busy with members playing arranged games and Graham’s holiday coaching camps proving popular.  Social tennis sessions are underway again – Saturdays...
Club to reopen on Monday 29th March

Club to reopen on Monday 29th March

In accordance with Government and LTA guidelines, the club will be reopening on Monday 29th March.  Singles and doubles are both permitted so please organise your games and use the online booking system as before.  Graham will be coaching from this date, both...